Facebook login no mobile phone

Recover Your Account If You Can’t Access the Email or Mobile …

Gendan din konto, hvis du ikke kan få adgang til kontoens e-mail eller mobilnummer | Hjælp til Facebook

Using a computer or mobile phone that you have previously used to log into your Facebook account, go to facebook.com/login/identify and follow the …

Her er nogle ting, du kan prøve for at komme tilbage på din Facebook-konto.

Recover Your Facebook Account if You Can’t Log In.

Gendan din Facebook-konto, hvis du ikke kan logge på. | Hjælp til Facebook

Go to the Find Your Account page at facebook.com/login/identify and follow the instructions. Make sure to use a computer or mobile phone that you have …

Hvis du har problemer med at logge på din konto, kan du gennemgå disse tips og velkendte loginproblemer.

Troubleshoot login with two-factor authentication on Facebook

Hvad du skal gøre, hvis du ikke kan logge på med totrinsgodkendelse på Facebook | Hjælp til Facebook

Once you’ve logged in, you can: Add a new mobile phone number to your account.

Læs om, hvad du kan gøre, hvis du har aktiveret totrinsgodkendelse, men ikke kan logge på.

phone – number – Facebook Help Center

Hjælp til Facebook

When you add a new email or mobile phone number for login alerts, we’ll use it to help you log into Facebook and keep your account safe.

Facebook – log in or sign up

Facebook – Log på eller tilmeld dig

Create an account or log into Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates.

Opret en konto, eller log på Facebook. Få kontakt med venner, familie og andre personer, du kender. Del billeder og videoer, send beskeder og få…

Log Into Your Account – Facebook

Facebook · Log into your Facebook account · Log out of Facebook · Add or remove a saved account from your phone · I don’t know if I still have a Facebook account.

Log into Facebook

Facebook. You must log in first. facebook. Mobile number or email. Password. HIDESHOW. Log in. Forgot password? or. Create new account. Meta © 2023.

Facebook – log in or sign up

Create an account or log in to Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you … Mobile number or email address. Password. HIDESHOW. Log In.

Create an account or log in to Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates.

How do I recover my Facebook account if I can’t receive the …

How do I recover my Facebook account if I can’t receive the security code?

If you are not logged in elsewhere and you do not have access to the phone number or the email address with which you signed up, Facebook still gives you a …

It’s incredibly frustrating not being able to login to Facebook. It’s even worse if you can’t access the original email on the account to receive the security code. We can get you back in.

You Don’t Need Facebook to Use Bumble Anymore

Bumble – You Don’t Need Facebook to Use Bumble Anymore

Wait, one more time: Do I need a Facebook account to join Bumble? No! If you’re a new user, you’ll be able to register and login with either your phone …

Guess what? You’re free! Free of needing a Facebook account to access Bumble, that is. Why? Because you collectively raised your voices and asked for a way to keep building empowered relationships without having to share your data with Facebook. It’s entirely thanks to you — and our devoted engineers — that people have an […]

Keywords: facebook login no mobile phone